We are thrilled to announce the conclusion of the Poolwerx Moggill Marathon 2023, held on a glorious day filled with great vibes and good fun. This year’s event was a testament to the spirit of the community by getting active and giving back, as 698 dedicated runners and walkers came together to support a greater cause and make a positive impact for Brisbane communities.

Thanks to the fantastic contribution of our participants, volunteers, and sponsors, we are extremely proud to announce the Poolwerx Moggill Marathon 2023 raised an incredible $22,000, which will be allocated towards initiatives that benefit both the courageous children of our beneficiary Bravery Box, and various community groups providing essential services in the region. This dedication and generosity from all involved, who went above and beyond (and had a lot of fun in doing so!), will help create a positive impact on the lives of those in need and services provided within our communities.
Of the funds raised, a substantial portion, amounting to $12,000, will be donated to Bravery Box. This remarkable organisation provides support and encouragement to children facing challenging circumstances through cancer treatment. The Poolwerx Moggill Marathon is delighted to share that $1,780 of this amount, was generously donated by the runners themselves as part of the registration process, thank you.
The additional $10,000 raised from the event will be distributed among schools and community groups that played an instrumental role in supporting the event and who also provide vital services to the Brisbane area. These donations enable the growth, wellbeing and development of children and support for the key services these groups provide more broadly to the community.
Community group beneficiaries for the Poolwerx Moggill Marathon 2023:
- Brisbane West Uniting Church Foodbank
- Moggill SES
- Moggill State School
- Pullenvale State School
- Mount Crosby State School
- Moggill Historical Society
- Moggill Girl Guides
- Moggill Scouts
- Karana Scouts
- Bellbowrie Mens Shed
- Karalee Scouts
The Poolwerx Moggill Marathon 2023 would not have been possible without the extraordinary support and commitment of our volunteers and marshals. Their dedication ensured that the event ran smoothly, keeping everyone safe and motivated throughout the races. We extend our thanks to the teams and individuals who worked behind the scenes and created an unforgettable day.
The Poolwerx Moggill Marathon 2023 has been an outstanding success, highlighting the generosity and community spirit that thrives in West Brisbane and we should all be proud to raise an incredible $22,000, and keeping fit, healthy, and connected in the process of doing so. Together, we have proven that when we come together for a common cause, we can achieve remarkable things.
Thank you once again to all the participants, supporters, and contributors. We look forward to your continued support and achieving greater success in 2024 as we strive to build a stronger, more united West Brisbane.
David Ember
Chair – Moggill Marathon