Planning before the day - what you need to know
Runners Guide
The runners guide is a compliation of all information related to before the race and on race day.
Race Pack Collections
No, you must collect your race pack during the designated race pack collection day of Saturday 17 May 2025.
Collect your Race Pack Before Race Day on Saturday 17 May 2025 from the Brisbane West Uniting Church, cnr Kangaroo Gully Road & Moggill Road, Moggill – enter from Kangaroo Gully Road into the carpark where the old Church building is to collect between 8am and 1pm on Saturday 17 May 2024 only.
If collecting on race day, we will be stationed at the Brisbane West Uniting Church (only for runners who have NOT collected race kit).
Yes, you may collect a race pack for another person, but you must present their confirmation email at time of collection.
If merchandise purchased as part of a race entry fee but not picked up on or before the start time of the race event date may be resold by the organisers. Participants will be entitled to receive a refund for the merchandise equal to the organisers cost of the merchandise, provided the participant provides a written request of such within seven (7) days of the race event date.
Getting There
We are giving participants more space by having separate run start times to spread volumes of peoples and alleviate any parking access issues. So, plan ahead by either choosing to:
- drive and park or
- utilise public transport or
- locals may consider walking/riding
to the Poolwerx Moggill Marathon Road2Rural run events.
Plan your trip using Translink Journey Planner with the destination being Stop ID 004641 Moggill Road, Moggill at Westaway Park then walk Moggill Uniting Church (cnr kangaroo Gully Roads and Moggill Road) to check in at the Poolwerx Moggill Marathon Registration Desk (If collecting on race day we will be stationed the Moggill Uniting Church (only for runners who have NOT collected race kit).
Participants will be able to access car parking at the Moggill Village, 3366 Moggill Road, Moggill. Parking is available along Moggill Road approaching Moggill Village Shopping Centre only.
No parking is available within the run courses of the event.
Please refer to the Changed Traffic Conditions for specific details.
A number of disabled parks are available at the Moggill Village, 3366 Moggill Road, Moggill.
Why not ride or walk to the event? Bicycles can be secured at public bike racks at Moggill Village Shopping Centre, Westaway Park, and surrounding streets.
Registration and Course Info
Registration on event day is only required on race day for runners WHO HAVE NOT COLLECTED their runners packs. Registration Desk will be located at the Brisbane West Uniting Church, cnr Kangaroo Gully and Moggill Roads.
Runners who have previously collected their runners kit can proceed directly to marshalling area / start line which is the concrete carpark at the Church.
Registration will be open from 5:30am on Sunday 17 May ONLY for runners who need to collect their kits. All other runners can proceed directly to the holding area.
Run Start Times:
Marathon: 6am
Half Marathon: 6:30am
10km: 7am
5km: 8am
2km: 8:30am
The holding area for runners prior to the commence of your race will be in the carpark of the Brisbane West Uniting Church.
The start line is located at the top of Kangaroo Gully Road near the intersection of Moggill Road with all competitors pre-race are to congregate in the designated waiting area in the Brisbane West Uniting Church carpark at their allocated times.
We want the event to be fun and safe for everybody. Please ensure you follow the below safety procedures:
- Prams, Pets, Scooters, Bikes, scooters, skates/boards are not permitted on course.
- Listen for announcements and follow directions from event officials.
- Only go to the start line when directed by officials.
- Walkers to remain behind runners to allow them an unobstructed start.
- Runners with strollers should assemble at the back of their designated zone (check out the precinct signage if you’re not sure where to go).
- Marshals will also be around on the day to direct you to the correct assembly zone.
- Keep LEFT at all times unless passing.
- Runners who find they need to stop or walk, please move to the left and be mindful of other participants running behind you.
- We strongly recommend headphones are not worn during the event, so you hear and fully understand all special instructions and announcements.
- First aid will be located on course and at the Start and Finish Lines.
The Finish Line is located at the end of Witty Road nearest Moggill Road, Moggill parallel to Westaway Park.
Organise a meeting point at Moggill Village Shopping Centre, 3366 Moggill Road, Moggill before making your way to Westaway Park to the staging area pre-race. Possibly enjoy the opportunity to meet with sponsors and members of The Lions Club Brisbane West prior to your run event being called to the pre-race waiting area.
Children aged:
- 14 years plus can participate in the 21km event;
- 11 years plus can participate in the 10km event;
- Open all ages for 5km and 2km fun run events.
Any child participating in the Moggill Marathon Road2Rural run events by either walking or running must be registered in the event to participate to be able to receive a finishers acknowledgement.
Prams are allowed for the:
- 5km and 2km fun run events
Pets, Scooter, Bike, Skates/boards are not permitted in the above run events and including the Half Marathon 21km and Full Marathon 42.2km.
NOTE: Prams are not permitted in the Road2Rural Half Marathon 21km for runner safety.
Any baggage left on the grounds is at the owner risk.
First Aid and SES are stationed at Events Operations in Westaway Park with first aid members out on course.
All runners will receive an medallion when crossing the finish line.
Details on presentations will be available closer to the event or on the day of the event.
A sausage sizzle shall be available for participants to buy should they wish. Food will also be available from Moggill Village Shopping Centre once shops open (Coles opens at 9:00am on Sundays) on the day of the event. BYO water in reusable bottles, use any available water dispensers at the site.
Unfortunately, no dogs allowed.
The Moggill Marathon Road2Rural Fun Run events will be delivered in accordance with COVID Safe practices and plan based on current Queensland Health guidelines. The plan is in place to provide a safe and fun event for everyone.
To participate in these events, you are asked to meet all the applicable Commonwealth and/or State health directions.
Changed Traffic Conditions
There are no full road closures.
There will only be partial road closures. We ask that drivers please take care on the roads and follow the instructions of any marshals on event day to ensure runner safety.
The following streets may be impacted on race day:
- Kangaroo Gully Road
- Sugars Road
- Church Road
- Hawkesbury Road
- Sanctuary Way
- Witty Rd
- Silky Oak Ave
- Priors Pocket Rd
All runners will be off roads by 11:00am. Household residents along the above named roads will receive a flyer in the mail regarding the event.
This event has been sanctioned by the Brisbane City Council, Queensland Police and the Department of Main Roads and a professional traffic management company has been engaged to perform the traffic management function, as well as SES.
On Course Facilities
There will be a total of 8 drink stations with water and hydralyte fluids available.
They will be located on Sugars Road, Hawksbury Road, Witty Road, Priors Pocket Road, Silky Oak Ave and Westaway Park.
All runners will also receive a bottle of water at the completion of the event.
Toilets will be available:
- Start / Finish Lines
- Mobile toilets located along routes
- Moggill Village Shopping Centre
- Westaway Park toilets